Collection: Products

38 products
  • Dell Latitude D830 Windows XP Professional 15.4” widescreen laptop with FireWire 1394 port, serial Rs232 port, Nvidia NVS 135 CAD/CAM graphics 3D studio, gaming apps
    Dell Latitude D830 Windows XP Professional 15.4” widescreen laptop with FireWire 1394 port, serial Rs232 port, Nvidia NVS 135 CAD/CAM graphics 3D studio, gaming apps
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  • DELL Latitude E6500 DUAL Core laptop with Windows XP Professional and Microsoft OFFICE 2007 Professional. Comes with Firewire 1394 port for digital video, 4 x USB ports..
    DELL Latitude E6500 DUAL Core laptop with Windows XP Professional and Microsoft OFFICE 2007 Professional. Comes with Firewire 1394 port for digital video, 4 x USB ports..
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  • DUAL BOOT Refurbished Windows XP and Windows 7 Dell Latitude D620/D630 Dual Core , workshop garage home students use laptop with Microsoft Office 2007 rs232 serial port
    refurbished dell d620 d630 laptop with windows 7 and microsoft office 2007 and rs232 serial port
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  • IBM Thinkpad R50e, 15.1" Large Square Screen Windows xp gaming laptop. Perfect for Windows XP games. Comes with 1 year warranty. Has parallel port! Ideal for garage/workshop use,
    IBM Thinkpad R50e,  15.1
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  • IBM Thinkpad T30 14.1" Square Screen Windows xp gaming laptop. Perfect for Windows XP games. Comes with 1 year warranty and both serial rs232 and parallel ports! Ideal for garage/workshop use,
    IBM Thinkpad T30 14.1
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  • IBM Thinkpad T42! 15.1" Square Screen Windows xp gaming laptop. Perfect for Windows XP games. Comes with 1 year warranty!
    IBM Thinkpad T42! 15.1
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  • IBM Thinkpad T43 laptop with powerful ATi Radeon X300 128mb graphics, Windows XP gaming, Windows XP professional, parallel port for CNC
    IBM Thinkpad T43 laptop with powerful ATi Radeon X300 128mb graphics, Windows XP gaming,  Windows XP professional, parallel port for CNC
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  • L@@K Refurbished Windows XP Professional 64BIT DELL XPS Gaming Laptop with 17.1" Large Screen Desktop Replacement NVIDEA Geforce ULTRA 6800. Ideal for Windows xp games!
    Refurbished DELL XPS Windows XP gaming laptop large screen
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